Comparison of Self Compacting Concrete (SSC) containing Fly Ash, Ground Granulate Blast Furnace Slag

Abstract This research work includes the comparison of compressive strength of two different mineral admixtures namely Fly ash and blast furnace slag. It also comprises of comparison of workability of both the mineral admixtures. This is obtained by performing slump test, L box test, U box test and T50 test. The method adopted to perform the workability is by replacing 30%, 40% and 50% of Portland cement with the particular mineral admixture and then compared. The influence of these mineral admixtures on the properties of these mixtures is also investigated. The mix proportion is made as per the guidelines of European federation of contractors and producers for structure. The mixture comprises of Ordinary Portland cement (grade 43). Local rivers were used to obtain the sand lying under zone 2 was used. The specific gravity of the sand is kept 2.65 and that of cement 3.15. Coarse aggregates of nominal size of size 12.5mm conforming IS 383-1970 were used. The specific gravity of coarse aggregate being 2.77. The size of the coarse aggregate is to be checked in order to check that it does not cause a blocking effect in self compacting concrete. In case of self compacting concrete the ratio of coarse aggregate is much lower than that in case of ordinary Portland cement. Fine aggregate ratio in self compacting concrete is kept higher in comparison to Ordinary Portland cement so that flowing viscosity is high and the stability of the mixture is maintained and also bleeding is kept at bay and segregation of coarse material is also avoided (Boukendakdji et al., 2009). The specific gravity of the sand is kept 2.65 and that of cement 3.15 . Fly ash being industrial by product was obtained from Uttarakhand Power Corporation, Dehradun whereas Ground Granulate Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) was obtained from local vendors for cheap prices.

From this view point it can be incorporated that the cost of self compacting concrete can be considerably reduced by replacing Portland cement with industrial by-products and also reducing the amounts of chemical admixtures and hence their cost.

Keywords: Fly ash, Ground granulated blast furnace slag, Ordinary Portland cement, self compacting concrete.

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Comparison of Self Compacting Concrete (SSC) containing Fly Ash, Ground Granulate Blast Furnace Slag

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