Effect of Yam-Based Production on Food Security Status of Farm Households in Edo South, Nigeria

Abstract Effect of Yam-Based  Production on Food Security Status of Farm Households in Edo South, Nigeria. The study assessed the effect of yam-based production on the food security status of farm households in Edo south, Nigeria. Specifically, the objectives of the study were to examine the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, analyse the contribution of yam-based production to the income profile of the households, estimate their mean per capita daily calorie intake and examine the determinants and the probability of households being food secured.

A multi-stage sampling technique was adopted in selecting 120 farm households from Edo South agro-ecological zone of Edo-State data were collected with the aid of well – structured interview schedule on households socio-economic variables which included sex, age, marital status, level of education, farm size, household size and household income and expenditure profile among others. Data collected were analyzed by appropriate statistical analysis which included frequency counts, percentages, mean, standard deviation, and Logit regression model.

The results showed that 97 males, represented majority of the households with (80.8%) and females 23, represented 19.2%of the house heads. The mean age of household reads was 50 years, of which (92.5%) of them were married, 53% owned houses and 58% had farming experience of 11.20 years the mean household size was estimated as seven persons with a mean farm size of 1.35 hectares. The mean annual household income in the study area was estimated as N 496.850.88 out of which farm income contributed N 62.4307, and off income contributed (37.57%). The mean monthly household expenditure was N 40,934.31 out of which food expenditure accounted for 40 .22%. The results also showed that the area was fairly food -secured with 52.5% being food secured and 47.67 being food insecure with mean per capita calorie intake of 36,okcal and 120.2 kcal respectively.

Finally, the results also revealed that three variables in the logit model were significant in explaining variation in the food security status of the households. These are farm size, form income and off-income. It was recommended that government should provide bigger plot of land for those farmers who are determined to take farming as business.

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Keywordsfood security status, Determinants, Economic status and Policy recommendation

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Effect of Yam-Based  Production on Food Security Status

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